
Rudy Wiebe Launch

The Old Timer’s Cabin was filled with friends and fans who came out to celebrate the arrival of Rudy Wiebe’s collected short stories with the man himself. Gail Greenwood did… READ MORE

“Why Grow Here” Fan Letter

Hi Kathryn, We met so briefly at the Barbours’ 50th commemoration, which was a shame as I had lots of questions to ask about Edmonton’s gardening history. Well, now having read… READ MORE

Roger Epp in St. Petersburg, Russia

By Machno’s Wagon: A Meditation on Public Museums by Roger Epp St. Petersburg is a city founded on Russian imperial ambition and filled with the museums to prove it: the… READ MORE

Our Scholar is in residence blogging about…

…photography history at the National Gallery of Canada, and the fine art of discoverability. In December 2015, forty specialists in photography and its history in Canada gathered for a workshop… READ MORE