Our New Website is Live!

After months of work with Supadu, BooksoniX, and our distributors, our new website is live at ualbertapress.ca. To celebrate, we are offering a holiday sale with a 30% discount on all of our titles with code iC23 until December 15.

The new site offers a radically-improved user experience, from search and discoverability through to purchase. We completely overhauled our subject list for precision searching and resized our cover images to allow faster load times. As a result, users can quickly and readily find books of interest as well as an offering of related titles.

The top-of-the-line shopping cart is fully integrated with our distributors: UTP Distribution (Canada), Hopkins Fulfillment Services (US), and Gazelle Book Services (UK and Europe). New functionality includes the ability to purchase digital editions through our site, which are then served directly from VitalSource.

Other improvements, still to come, include the ability to download all of our Open Access titles from one collection.

Check it out and let us know what you think!

And, if there are problems, we want to hear about them. Feel free to email Cathie Crooks with your comments.