Mark von Hagen
Mark von Hagen (born 1954) teaches Russian, Ukrainian, and Eurasian history at Arizona State University. He was formerly at Columbia University. He is the author of Soldiers in the Proletarian Dictatorship: The Red Army and the Soviet Socialist State, 1917_-1930 (Cornell, 1990); co-editor (with Andreas Kappeler, Zenon Kohut and Frank Sysyn) of Culture, Nation, Identity: the Ukrainian-Russian Encounter, 1600-1945 (Toronto, 2003); and co-editor (with Jane Burbank and Anatoly Remnev) of Geographies of Empire: Ruling Russia, 1700-1991 (Indiana, 2004). He has written articles and essays on topics in historiography, civil-military relations, nationality politics and minority history, and cultural history.